20 June, 2016

Try Again!

Image Source: Google

This message is for you out there who think you have done everything in your power to get a job, but you are still unemployed. You may have been searching for ten years or five years or even for months and you are about giving up, I say to you TRY AGAIN!!!

Have you submitted hundreds of applications in the past and have been opportuned to get to the interview stage and the interviewer assured you that the job was yours only for you to wait for months without hearing for them (Interviewer) and you have come to the conclusion that nothing good can come to you, I say TRY AGAIN!!!

Are you among those who see their class mates and friends’ career achievements as a yard stick and you feel left behind and are at the point of giving up? I say to you TRY AGAIN!!!

Have you ever gone visiting a friend and you left after you did not get a response at your first knock? NO. I guess you will knock severally, then call him on phone, if no response, you will send him an SMS or even Whatsapp chat. While doing all these, you are hopeful that your friend will open his door, or pick up your call/reply your SMS/chat. Even when your friend is unavailable during your visit you do not use this disappointment as a reason to stop visiting other friends at other times.

So friend, come out from your despair, keep your hope alive and TRY AGAIN!!!

Have a fruitful Week!!!

Post By Awele V Awele