24 June, 2016

Latest Vacancies at the University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital, June 2016

The University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital is one of the major tertiary health institutions in the Oil-rich Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. It is the apex health institution in Port-
Harcourt, which is the headquarters of the oil-industry and the second most industrialized city in Nigeria.
As such, it caters for a large cosmopolitan population of indigenous and expatriate oil-sector employees, who are largely in the upper socio-economic strata and therefore require advanced modern medical care as obtainable elsewhere in developed countries.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the appointment below:

Job Title: Intern Pharmacist 
Location: Rivers
Applicants must possess the relevant qualification and provisional registration with their respective professional bodies.

Job Title: Intern Dental Therapists/ Technologist
Location: Port Harcourt
Applicants must possess relevant qualifications and provisional registration with their respective professional bodies.

Job Title: Intern Medical Imaging Scientist
Location: Port Harcourt
Applicants must possess relevant qualifications and provisional registration with their respective professional bodies.

Job Title: Intern Physiotherapist
Locations: Lagos and Rivers
Applicants must possess relevant qualifications and provisional registration with their respective professional bodies.

The written interview will hold on 20th July 2016 at 8:00AM at the "Post Basic School of Paediatric Nursing, UPTH".

How to Apply
Applicants should obtain Application Form from the office of the "Deputy Director of Administration, Clinical Services and Training (CS&T)" with effect from 22nd June, 2016.

Application Deadline  11th July, 2016.