Engineer Babatunde Adewale Odufuwa Foundation has been involved in all tiers of Tertiary education at various levels from Polytechnic, University and Professional Institutions in Nigeria.
The Foundation is currently seeking exceptional and professional hands to achieve the aims and objectives of these different Institutions.
Applications are hereby invited from qualified, innovative and creative candidates to occupy the following vacant Teaching positions:
Job Position: Assistant Lecturer
In the following Faculties
Faculty of Science
Biology, Computer Science, Microbiology, Chemistry, Physics,Biochemistry, Botany, Mathematics.
Faculty of Social Science
Banking and Finance, Economics, Accounting, Political Science, International Relations, Business Administration, Marketing, Psychology.
Faculty of Arts
Philosophy, Mass Communication.
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Biology, Computer Science, Microbiology, Chemistry, Physics,Biochemistry, Botany, Mathematics.
Faculty of Social Science
Banking and Finance, Economics, Accounting, Political Science, International Relations, Business Administration, Marketing, Psychology.
Faculty of Arts
Philosophy, Mass Communication.
Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
Qualification for the Position (Assistant Lecturer)
Masters' Degree with at least 2 years of teaching experience.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit four (4) Word processed copies of their Applications and Curriculum Vitae giving the following information in the following format:
Full names with surname in Capitals
Post desired and Department
Date of birth, Town and State of Origin
Religion and Denomination
Current Postal Address
Permanent Address (with Telephone Number)
Marital Status
Names, Number and Ages of children
Name and Address of Spouse
Name and Address of Next of Kin
Institutions attended with date
Academic/Professional Qualifications
Work Experience from Date and Status of First Appointment
Present employer, status, salary
List of publications in details (where applicable i.e. Books, Journals, Contributions to Books, Papers presented at National/International Conferences)
Professional Accomplishments, Conferences/Seminars and Workshops attended with dates, Professional Record including Study and Research stays abroad.
Extra-curricular activities and any other relevant information
Names and Addresses of 3 Referees whose reports should be sealed and submitted along with the application. Two of the referees must be in authorities in the applicant’s area of specialization.
Note: All applications should be addressed and mailed to the address below:
The Secretary,
Engineer Babatunde Adewale Odufuwa Foundation,
4, Olaide Tomori Street,
Off Simbiat Abiola Way,
Lagos State.
Application Deadline
15th November, 2016.
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