United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), helps
developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we
encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the
empowerment of women.
We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:
Job Title:
Finance Analyst
Job ID: 11847
Location: Abuja
Vacancy Type: FTA
Posting Type:
Contract Duration:
1 Year with possibility for extension
Under the overall guidance of the Deputy Country Director
Operations and direct supervision of Head of Finance, the Finance Analyst is
responsible for effective and transparent utilization of financial resources and
integrity of financial services.
The Finance Analyst promotes a client-oriented approach
consistent with UNDP rules and regulations. He/she analyzes and interprets the
financial rules and regulations and provides solutions to a wide spectrum of
complex financial issues.
The Finance Analyst works in close collaboration with the
operations, programme and project teams in the Country Office (CO) and with
UNDP HQs staff and Government officials ensuring successful Country Office (CO)
performance in Finance.
The Finance Analyst may be required to supervise other
support/Finance staff and back stop the head of Finance and other Finance
Duties and
Summary of key
Implementation of operational and financial
management strategies
Projects’ budget management
CO cash management
Control of CO accounts
Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge
Ensures implementation of operational and
financial management strategies, and adapts processes and procedures focusing
on achievement of the following results:
Full compliance with UN/UNDP rules, regulations,
and policies of financial activities, financial recording/reporting system and
follow up on audit recommendations; implementation of effective internal
controls, proper functioning of a client-oriented financial resources
management system.
CO Finance business processes mapping and
elaboration of the content of internal Standard Operating Procedures in Finance
under the supervision of the Head of Finance
Continuous analysis and monitoring of the
financial situation, presentation of forecasts for development and management
projects, monitoring of financial exception reports for unusual activities,
Analysis and elaboration of proposals on cost
saving and reduction strategies.
Ensures the management of projects’ budgets and
organization and functioning of the optimal cost-recovery system focusing on
achievement of the following results:
Elaboration of proposals for planning of
financial resources of the CO, preparation of reports containing analysis of
the financial situation.
Preparation and monitoring of budgets; regular
analysis and reporting on the budget approvals and the delivery situation.
Establishment of projects’ budgets
preparation/modification monitoring system, control of budgetary status versus
authorized spending limits (ASL) and budgets delivery levels.
Implementation of the control mechanism for
projects through monitoring budgets preparation and modifications, budgetary
status versus ASL, follow up with HQs on ASL for projects, maintenance of the
General Ledger.
Ensures proper control of CO accounts focusing on
achievement of the following results:
Analysis and elaboration of proposals for the
internal expenditures’ control system which ensures that vouchers processed are
matched and completed, transactions are correctly recorded and posted in Atlas;
payrolls are duly prepared; MPOs, travel claims and other entitlements are duly
processed, and receipting of goods and services and establishment of accruals
are properly done in compliance with IPSAS and UNDP policies and procedures.
Review the Trial balance of CO at least once in
a month and perform accounts analysis for all Balance sheet accounts
Support to the IPSAS year-end closure exercise to ensure timely financial
reporting of current year’s activities
Participation in the full compliance and
implementation of IPSAS
Timely corrective actions on unposted vouchers,
including the vouchers with budget check errors, match exceptions, unapproved
vouchers. Timely response to HQ requests to resolve financial data issues.
Control of the Accounts Receivables for UNDP
projects and maintenance of the General Ledger.
Ensures proper CO cash management focusing on achievement of
the following results:
Timely review of cash position for local
accounts to ensure sufficient funds on hand for disbursements. Timely
identification and recording of receipts for income application.
Daily review of zero-balance account bank
statements in Atlas to monitor imprest level; identification and recording of
Initiation of bank transfers and deals,
selecting bank transfers and deals for approval and settlement.
Timely preparation of monthly cash flow forecast
for use by the supervisor.
Creation and maintenance of researched
information for updating management on status of financial resources for the
management budgets of the CO
Monitor proper receipting of goods and services
and establishment of accruals.
Preparation of journal vouchers to record and
correct transactions.
Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and
knowledge sharing in the CO and guidance to all stakeholders on financial
matters focusing on achievement of the following results:
Organization/conduct of training for the
operations/ programme/projects staff on financial management.
Synthesis of lessons learned and best practices
in Finance.
Sound contributions to knowledge networks and
communities of practice.
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the overall CO efficiency
in financial resources management and success in introduction and
implementation of operational strategies.
Accurate, thoroughly researched and documented financial
information, timely and appropriate delivery of services ensure client
satisfaction and enhance UNDP credibility in use of financial resources.
Functional Competencies:
Building Partnerships
Maintaining a network of contacts
Maintains an established network of contacts for general
information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues
Basic research and analysis:
Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best
practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new
Knowledge/Technical Expertise:
Fundamental knowledge of own discipline
Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles
of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position
Ability to formulate and manage budgets; manage
contributions and investments; manage transactions; and conduct financial
analysis, reporting and cost-recovery.
Possesses knowledge
of organizational policies and procedures and applies them consistently in work
Analyzes the requirements and synthesizes proposals
Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through
self-directed study and other means of learning
Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and
applies it in work assignments
Promoting Organizational Change and Development:
Basic research and analysis
Researches and documents ‘best practices’ in organizational
change and development within and outside the UN system
Design and Implementation of Management Systems:
Research and analysis and making recommendations on
management systems
Make recommendations relative to work-processing approaches
and procedures which would lead to more efficient systems design
Client Orientation:
Establishing effective client relationships
Researches potential solutions to internal and external
client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion
Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs
and deadlines
Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships
within the work unit and with internal and external clients
Anticipates client needs and addresses them promptly
Promoting Accountability and Results-Based Management:
Basic monitoring
Gathers, analyzes and disseminates information on best
practice in accountability and results-based management systems
Core Competencies:
Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
Self-development, initiative-taking
Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team,
communicating effectively
Creating synergies through self-control
Managing conflict
Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of
others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the
responsibility of each staff member.
Informed and transparent decision making
Required Skills and
Advanced (Masters) University Degree in Finance/Accounting,
Business or Public Administration, or a professional accounting qualification
from an internationally recognized institute of accountancy.
Professionally qualified accountants from an internationally
recognized institute of accountancy will have a distinct advantage.
UNDP Advanced Accountancy and Finance test is required.
Up to 2 years of relevant experience in providing financial
management services, managing staff and operational systems. Experience in the
usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and
advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling
of web based management systems and ERP financials, preferably PeopleSoft.
Experience of IPSAS is required.
Requirements: Fluency in English.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should click here to apply
Job Title:
Operations Intern
Location: Abuja
Type of Contract:
Post Level:
Duration of Initial
Contract: 6 months
The purpose of the Internship Programme is to provide
students and recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds exposure to
development issues and a first-hand impression of the day-to-day working environment
of UNDP.
Under the guidance and supervision of the Operations
Manager/Administrative Associate, the Operations Intern provides support to
office operations performing a variety of standard administrative processes
ensuring high quality and accuracy of work.
The Operations Intern promotes a client, quality and
results-oriented approach.
The Operations Intern works in close collaboration with the
Operations, Programme and projects staff in the CO and other UN agencies staff
to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery.
Duties and
Summary of Key Functions:
Implementation of operational strategies
Support to effective and efficient functioning
of the unit (DRR’s office/operations unit/ administrative unit)
Support to administrative and logistical
Support to office maintenance and assets
Support to knowledge building and knowledge
Ensures implementation of operational
strategies, focusing on achievement of the following results:
Full compliance of administrative activities
with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.
Provision of inputs to the CO administrative
business processes mapping and implementation of the internal standard
operating procedures (SOPs).
Provision of inputs to preparation of
administrative team results-oriented workplans.
Ensures effective and efficient functioning of
the unit (DRR’s office/operations unit/ administrative unit), focusing on
achievement of the following results:
Contacts with visitors and staff, arrangement of
appointments and meetings, acting as an interpreter when required and/or taking
Compilation and preparation of briefing and
presentation materials, speeches, background information and documentation for
meetings and missions.
Translation of simple correspondences, when
Ensures effective administrative and logistical
support, focusing on achievement of the following results:
Organization of shipments, customs clearance
arrangements, preparation of documents for UNDP shipments (received/sent),
Preparation of all necessary documentation, implementation of follow-up actions
Performance of a Buyer role in Atlas and
preparation of POs for travel activities.
Support to organization of procurement processes
including preparation of RFQs, ITBs or RFPs documents, receipt of quotations,
bids or proposals, their preliminary evaluation. Preparation of POs.
Arrangements of travel and hotel reservations,
preparation of travel authorizations, processing requests for visas, identity
cards and other documents.
Administrative support to conferences,
workshops, retreats.
Collection of information for DSA, travel
agencies and other administrative surveys, support to organization of common
Arrangement of vehicle transportation, regular
vehicle maintenance and insurance.
Checking and recording of vehicle daily log and
gas consumption, update and maintenance of vehicle history report.
Custodian for management of office stationery
supplies including maintenance of stock list of stationery, distribution of
stationery as required by staff and keeping a log of distribution.
Maintenance of the filing system ensuring
safekeeping of confidential materials.
Extraction of data from various sources.
Research and retrieval of statistical data from
internal and external sources; preparation of statistical charts, tables and
Follow up on deadlines, commitments made,
actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the reports to
head of unit.
Assistance in the preparation of budget,
provision of information for audit.
Provides support to office maintenance and
assets management, focusing on achievement of the following results:
Maintenance of records on assets management,
preparation of reports.
Maintenance of files and records relevant to
office maintenance
Provision of support to maintenance of common
premises and common services
Support knowledge building and knowledge sharing
in the CO, focusing on achievement of the following results:
Participation in the training for the
operations/projects staff on administration.
Sound contributions to knowledge networks and
communities of practice.
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the efficiency
of the unit. Accurate presentation of information strengthens the capacity of
the office and promotes the image of UN/UNDP as an effective contributor to the
development of the country.
Required Skills and
Secondary education.
Certification in administration desirable.
Fluency in the UN and national language of the duty station.
Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must
at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:
Be enrolled in a graduate school programme
(second university degree or equivalent, or higher);
Be enrolled in the final academic year of a
first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent);
Have graduated with a university degree (as
defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship
within one-year of graduation
Corporate Competencies:
Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission,
vision and values
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race,
nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Knowledge Management and Learning
Shares knowledge and experience
Actively works towards continuing personal
learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan
and applies newly acquired skills
Development and
Operational Effectiveness:
Ability to perform a variety of standard
specialized and non-specialized tasks and work processes that are fully
documented, researched, recorded and reported
Ability to review a variety of data, identify
and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems
Ability to perform work of confidential nature
and handle a large volume of work
Good knowledge of administrative rules and
Strong IT skills, knowledge of Atlas
Ability to provide input to business processes
re-engineering, implementation of new systems
Leadership and
Focuses on result for the client and responds
positively to feedback
Consistently approaches work with energy and a
positive, constructive attitude
Remains calm, in control and good humored even
under pressure Conditions
UNDP internship programme does not provide a salary or
remuneration for the internship;
All the expenses connected with the internship will be borne
by the intern, sponsoring Government or institution;
UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from
accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship;
The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and
arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed;
Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to,
any post in UNDP during the period of the internship or for six months
immediately following the expiration date of internship;
The intern must provide proof of enrollment in health insurance
Interns are not staff members and may not represent UNDP in
any official capacity;
The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to
further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern’s studies; Therefore,
there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should click here to apply
Job Title:
Project Driver
Job ID: 11848
Location: Abuja
Vacancy Type:
Service Contract (SC)
Posting Type:
Contract Duration:
Initial duration of one year
Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Regional
Project Coordinator – ECOWAS/EU SALW Project and direct supervision of the
Logistic Assistant, the Driver provides reliable and safe driving services
ensuring high accuracy of work towards the effective implementation of the
The Driver demonstrates a client-oriented approach, high
sense of responsibility, courtesy, tact and the ability to work with people of
different national and cultural backgrounds.
The Project driver when available provides occasional
driving services support to the UNDP CO operations and program.
Duties and
Summary of Key Functions:
Provision of reliable and secure driving
Proper use of vehicle
Day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle
Availability of documents/ supplies
Ensures provision of reliable and secure driving
services by a) driving office vehicles for the transport of authorized
personnel and delivery and collection of mail, documents and other items and b)
meeting project related official personnel, including visitors at the airport,
visa and customs formalities arrangement when required.
Ensures cost-savings through proper use of
vehicle through accurate maintenance of daily vehicle logs, provision of inputs
to preparation of the vehicle maintenance plans and reports.
Ensures proper day-to-day maintenance of the
assigned vehicle through timely minor repairs, arrangements for major repairs,
timely changes of oil, check of tires, brakes, car washing, etc.
Ensures availability of all the required
documents/supplies including vehicle insurance, vehicle logs, office directory,
map of the city/country, first aid kit, necessary spare parts.
Ensures that all immediate actions required by
rules and regulations are taken in case of involvement in accidents.
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on the accurate, safe and
timely execution of the project and CO services.
Ability to perform a variety of repetitive and
routine tasks and duties
Ability to review data, identify and adjust
Ability to handle a large volume of work
possibly under time constraints
Good knowledge of administrative rules and
Ability to operate and maintain a variety of
computerized business machines and office equipment in order to provide
efficient delivery of service
Ability to organize and complete multiple tasks
by establishing priorities
Demonstrates excellent knowledge of driving
rules and regulations and skills in minor vehicle repair (for Drivers)
Demonstrates excellent knowledge of protocol
(for Drivers)
Demonstrates excellent knowledge of security
issues (for Drivers)
Managing Data:
Collects and compiles data with speed and
accuracy identifying what is relevant and discarding what is not, records it in
an accessible manner and maintains data bases
Thoroughly and methodically collects, verifies
and records data demonstrating attention to detail and identifying and
correcting errors on own initiative
Transmits file data; creates and generate
queries, reports and documents utilizing databases, spreadsheets,
communications and other software packages with speed and accuracy
Interprets data, draws conclusions and/or
identifies patterns which support the work of others
Managing Documents,
Correspondence and Reports:
Creates, edits and presents information
(queries, reports, documents) in visually pleasing, clear and presentable
formats such as tables, forms,
presentations, briefing notes/books and reports using advanced word processing
and presentation functions and basic database and spreadsheet software
Ability to produce accurate and well documented
records conforming to the required standard
Planning, Organizing
and Multi-Tasking:
Organises and accurately completes multiple
tasks by establishing priorities while taking into consideration special
assignments, frequent interruptions, deadlines, available resources and multiple
reporting relationships
Plans, coordinates and organises workload while
remaining aware of changing priorities and competing deadlines
Demonstrates ability to quickly shift from one
task to another to meet multiple support needs
Establishes, builds and maintains effective
working relationships with staff and clients to facilitate the provision of
Promoting learning and knowledge
management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
Required Skills and
Secondary Education. Valid Driver’s license.
2 years’ work experience as a driver; safe
driving record; knowledge of driving rules and regulations and skills in minor
vehicle repair.
Fluency in the language of the duty station,
knowledge of the UN language of the duty station.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should click here to apply
Job Title:
National Expert – Early Warning and Early Response
Job ID: 11852
Location: Abuja
Vacancy Type:
Service Contract (SC)
Posting Type:
Contract Duration:
Contract duration of 6 months
The historical, cultural and religious dimensions of
Northern Nigeria systematically restrict the ability of women and girls to
engage in formal peacebuilding processes. Nevertheless, women and girls have a
critical role to play in peacebuilding, as outlined by numerous UN Security
Council Resolutions and reports. Nigeria’s National Action Plan (NAP) for the
implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 for 2017 – 2020 outlines
five strategic outcomes towards strengthening the role of women and girls’ in
peace building as follows:
Women’s vulnerability to conflict and human security threats
are averted and women’s contributions integrated into preventive and mitigation
Meaningful participation of women in peace and security
processes, governance and decision-making structures at all levels is attained;
Women’s rights to peace and security, including access to
justice and redress are effectively protected and provided;
Women’s human security needs are met especially through
crisis management, recovery and reconstruction efforts;
Women, peace and security interventions are well coordinated
with impact achieved and tracked through collaboration and synergy.
There exists, therefore, a strategic imperative to
strengthen the role of women and girls in the peacebuilding process, and in
particular with respect to their inclusion, participation and influence in
early warning and early response systems. Such steps help in advancing progress
towards several of the NAP Strategic Outcomes. However, above and beyond of
being in line with global and national priorities, women’s empowerment and
engagement in early warning and early response systems are a prerequisite for a
more holistic and inclusive peace. Building the capacity of women and girls to
effectively contribute to such systems therefore becomes a priority for peace
and overall development.
In the light of the foregoing, and given the need to further
strengthen preventive capacities of states and communities to detect, mitigate
and respond to outbreaks of violence, UNDP will build and strengthen the early
warning early responses systems in the states of Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau. This
will be done with a focus on women and girls, ensuring that EWERS include women
and girls, engage them as part of the community and state infrastructure for
peace, and respond to their needs for increased human security. To fulfil these
two objectives, efforts will target state capacities as well as communities in
a parallel approach that will gradually increase state and community capacities
for conflict prevention.
State capacities will be strengthened through the
development, roll out and implementation of a ICT-based notification system
that can serve as the conduit for early warning. UNDP has already pioneered an
earlier version of such a system in Plateau State, and would aim to strengthen
the system in this state, along with implementing similar systems in Adamawa
and Gombe states. The project is expected to contribute to a reduction in
conflict and violence through increased capacity of state institutions to
quickly detect, identify and appropriately respond to areas of concern for
outbreaks of violence. It will do this both by increasing the capacity of state
institutions to manage the early phases of conflict onset, as well as
leveraging on the peacebuilding potential harnessed by women and girls in their
Under the direct supervision of the Team Leader, Governance
and Peacebuilding, the National Expert is responsible for management and
implementation of the project. The National Expert works in close collaboration
with the UNDP Project Analyst, Conflict & Peacebuilding, UN Peace and Development
Advisor, UN Women Colleagues, National and Local Institutions, Non-Governmental
Organizations, and beneficiaries.
Duties and Responsibilities
Summary of Key Functions:
Effective management of the CO project on Early Warning and
Early Response.
Programme monitoring and evaluation, reporting and resource
Ensures the creation of strategic partnerships.
Provision of top quality policy advice services to project
beneficiaries and facilitation of knowledge building and management.
Effective management
of the CO project on Early Warning and Early Response:
Develops work plan for the Early Warning and
Early Response project in line with the objectives of the project as outlined
in the project document;
Facilitates and implements activities under the
Prepares and provides substantive inputs to UNDP
strategies and plans including Project Management structures, Country Office
working documents, reports, policy briefs and the other related documents, as
it relates to the project;
Ensures the integration of cross-cutting issues
in project implementation;
Contributes to the monitoring and evaluation of
the EWER project;
Analyses and monitors progress and advises on
timely corrective actions for proper delivery;
Contributes to the result-based monitoring of
the project, including effective application of RBM tools, establishment of
management targets, and monitoring achievements of results;
Support planning, budgeting, implementing and
monitoring of programmes and programmatic interventions in the subject area,
tracking use of financial resources in accordance with UNDP rules and
Introduction of performance indicators/ success
criteria, cost recovery, targets and milestones;
Financial and substantive monitoring and
evaluation of the projects, identification of operational and financial
problems, development of solutions;
Participation in relevant audit exercises.
Follow up on audit recommendations;
Aggregate reports are regularly prepared on activities,
outputs and outcomes;
Contribute to the timely and highly-quality
preparation and submission of reports, including donor reports.
Programme monitoring
and evaluation, reporting and resource mobilization:
Ensures timely Monitoring and Evaluation of
project and ensure that portfolio is delivered in a timely manner and in an
appropriate format;
Ensure prompt monthly narrative reports to UNDP
and Donors as appropriate;
Contributes to financial reporting, with the
guidance of the UNDP Finance Unit;
Contributes to the identification of risks and
Leads in developing donor reports on
implementation, the achievement of outputs as well as contributes to reporting
on progress towards outcomes and impact; and Promotes information sharing and
coordination with UN agencies.
Ensures the creation
of strategic partnerships, focusing on the achievement of the following
Identification of partnerships with UN Agencies,
IFIs, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private
sector, civil society and other community-based organizations in the specific
thematic areas based on strategic goals of the UNDP, country needs and donors’
Liaise with stakeholders and partners;
Analysis and research of information on donors,
preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation,
identification of opportunities for initiation of new projects, active
contribution to the overall office efforts in resource mobilization.
Provision of top
quality policy advisory services to project beneficiaries and facilitation of
knowledge building and management:
Identification of sources of information related to
policy-driven issues.
Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons
learnt directly linked to programme country policy goals;
Support to development of policies and institutions that
will address the country problems and needs in collaboration with the
government and other strategic partners;
Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of
Organization of training for the operations/ project staff
on project issues.
Impact of Results
The key results have an impact on effective
positioning of UNDP as a key actor in gender-sensitive early warning and early
response in Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau States of Nigeria, thus contributing to
the stature and reputation of UNDP as UN’s global development network.
In particular, the key results have an impact on
implementation of UNDP conflict, peacebuilding, access to justice, and
integrated community stabilization programmes in northern Nigeria, as well as
reaching resource mobilization targets.
Functional Competencies:
Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda:
Creates effective advocacy strategies
Performs analysis of political situations and scenarios, and
contributes to the formulation of institutional responses
Results-Based Programme Development and Managemen:
Provides information for linkages across programme
activities to help identify critical points of integration
Provides information and documentation on specific stages of
projects/programme implementation
Provides background information to identify opportunities
for project development and helps drafting proposals
Participates in the formulation of project proposals
Building Strategic Partnerships :
Effectively networks with partners seizing opportunities to
build strategic alliances relevant to UNDP’s mandate and strategic agenda
Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of
counterparts, clients and potential partners
Promotes UNDP’s agenda in inter-agency meetings
Innovation and
Marketing New Approaches:
Seeks a broad range of perspectives in
developing project proposals
Identifies new approaches and promotes their use
in other situations
Creates an environment that fosters innovation
and innovative thinking
Makes the case for innovative ideas from the
team with own supervisor
Analyzes information on potential bilateral donors and
national counterparts to recommend a strategic approach
Identifies and compiles lessons learned
Develops a resource mobilization strategy at the country
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing:
Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes
and building them into the design of new approaches
Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the
use of tools and mechanisms
Knowledge/Technical Expertise:
Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of
specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines
Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional
discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally
Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information
technology and applies it in work assignments
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and knowledge of
the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these
regularly in work assignments
Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the
use of tools and mechanisms
Analysis and creation
of messages and strategies:
Performed analysis of political situations and
scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses
Uses the opportunity to bring forward and
disseminate materials for global advocacy work and adapts it for use at country
Client Orientation:
Establishing effective client relationships
Researches potential solutions to internal and
external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate
Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet
client needs and deadlines;
Anticipates client needs and addresses them
Contributing to positive
outcomes for the client:
Anticipates client needs
Works towards creating an enabling environment
for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider
Demonstrates understanding of client’s
Solicits feedback on service provision and
Core Competencies
Promoting ethics and integrity, creating
organizational precedents
Building support and political acumen
Building staff competence, creating an
environment of creativity and innovation
Building and promoting effective teams
Creating and promoting enabling environment for
open communication
Creating an emotionally intelligent organization
Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP
& setting standards
Sharing knowledge across the organization and
building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Promoting learning and
knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
Fair and transparent decision making; calculated
Required Skills and
Master’s Degree or equivalent in the Law,
Political Science, Peace and Conflict Studies, Social Sciences or related
5 years of relevant experience on governance and
peace building at the national or international level in development
programming, programme coordination or project implementation.
Previous experience with a multilateral or
international organization, notably with UNDP, is highly desirable.
Experience in the usage of computers and office
software packages, good knowledge and experience in handling of web-based
management systems.
Fluency in English or another language used in
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should click here to apply
Application Deadline
4th September, 2017
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