in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development
institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the
continent. There are 80 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member
Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and
technical support for transformative interventions that will significantly
reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In addition
to providing finance, the Bank is Africa's voice on global economic, financial
and development issues, a role that has taken significant importance in light
of increasing global integration and
interconnected risks. In order to sharply
focus the objectives of the Ten Year Strategy (2013 – 2022) and ensure greater
developmental impact, five major areas, all of which will accelerate delivery
for Africa, have been identified for scaling up, namely; energy, agro-business,
industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people
of Africa.
Position title: Senior Flagships Programme
Grade: PL5
Position N°: 50091921
Reference: ADB/17/049/2
Publication date: 18/09/2017
Closing date: 29/09/2017
Country: Côte d’Ivoire
The Vice
Presidency for Agriculture, Human, and Social Development is a Sector Complex
focusing on the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy High 5s priority of “Feed Africa” and
“Improve Quality of Life for the People of Africa”. The complex objectives are
(i) to develop, policy and strategy; (ii) provide deep sector expertise to the
Regions by gathering pool of experienced individuals who can be consulted to
provide sector expertise on complex transactions; (iii) develop new financing
instruments; (iv) the Vice President will act as the spoke person to represent
the Bank with external stakeholders on aspects of “Feed Africa” and “Improve
Quality of Life for the People of Africa”.
The Human
and Social Development Department spearheads the Bank wide Jobs for Youth in
Africa Strategy implementation coordination as well as the achievement of the
High 5s on “Improving the Quality of Life of People in Africa” and contributes
to the other High 5s. The Department supports scaling-up of Bank’s support to
strengthening Jobs for Youth Flagship coordination, education, skills,
employment, health systems and nutrition, for industrialization and economic
Department leads the Bank’s support to Africa’s economic transformation by: (i)
developing and promoting the adoption of relevant policies and strategies; (ii)
providing deep multi-sector expertise to the regional hubs by gathering pool of
experienced individuals who can be consulted to provide technical advice on
complex transactions (Communities of Practice); (iii) developing new financing
instruments; and, (iv) fostering
strategic partnerships to leverage resources into the human and social
development sectors.
The African
Development Bank adopted in May 2016, the “Jobs for Youth in Africa” Strategy
for the period of 2016 – 2025. This Strategy responds to the priorities in
Bank’s Ten Year Strategy and the New Corporate Priorities (High-5). Creating
productive jobs for the youth would improve their living conditions and enhance
their engagement in Africa’s growth and economic transformation. The Jobs for
Youth in Africa Strategy was launched during the Bank’s annual meetings in May,
2016, in Lusaka to commence its operationalization.
Programme Coordinator will be part of the team responsible of the day to day
management of the implementation of the Jobs for Youth in Africa Strategy.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the
general supervision of the Director in charge of the implementation of the Jobs
strategy, the Program coordinator shall carry out the following duties and
1. Contribute to the preparation and the
monitoring of the Annual & Multi Annual Work Programme of the Jobs for
Youth in Africa strategy implementation in order to optimize the resource
2. Contribute to the preparation of the Jobs
for Youth in Africa strategy implementation Key Performance Indicators, ensure
their consistency with Complex level Key Performance Indicators and prepare
regular status reports and annual activity reports.
3. Keep the portfolio database of the Jobs
for Youth in Africa strategy implementation (active and pipeline projects).
4. Coordinate responses to enquiries
concerning the Jobs for Youth in Africa strategy implementation.
5. Coordinate the preparation and monitoring
of the quarterly mission schedules and collate related data for reports.
6. Ensure a close follow up of the Jobs for
Youth in Africa strategy implementation activities and regularly update work
7. Represent the Jobs for Youth in Africa
Team in some of the coordination meetings with other departments of the Bank.
8. Liaise with the Corporate Information
Technology Services Department, if necessary, for all issues relating to the
SAP system and other information technologies; play the role of SAP resource
person in the department; provide training to relevant staff in the use of
9. Keep up to date information for exchange
with partnership agencies and institutions such as bilateral donors (Department
for International Development, African Development Fund, etc.) and multilateral
donors (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa, European Union, etc.).
10. Disseminate information and liaise with the
Communications and External Relations Department and external communication
parties as well as manage the website’s content and ensure circulation of a
quarterly newsletter.
11. Contribute to the quarterly work program and
budget reports.
12. Liaise regularly with other key Departments
of the Bank, including front office, budget department, resources mobilization,
13. Liaise and network closely with the Bank’s
Youth Employment Task Team in planning, reviewing, managing and supporting the
implementation at all levels.
14. Support field staff in delivering, reviewing
and assessing effectiveness and efficiency of operation under the Jobs for
Youth in Africa umbrella.
15. Manage M&E data collection, compilation,
analysis and reporting to track the number of direct, indirect and induced jobs
created and the number of youth reached from the Bank’s operations every year.
16. Support the design, preparation,
implementation and evaluation of the Bank’s projects with a youth employment
component as requested.
17. Carry out other technical tasks and
coordination as required by the Jobs for Youth in Africa coordinator or the
Director of the Department.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge
and experience
1. Hold at least a Master’s degree or its
equivalent in Business Administration, Economics, Social sciences, Finance,
Statistics, or other relevant field.
2. Have a minimum of five (5) years of
experience working in managing/coordinating portfolio and programs.
3. Demonstrated experience in portfolio
monitoring, reporting and providing proactive solutions for improving
4. Good working knowledge of operations,
particularly the information required for project cycle activities and
portfolio management, planning, work programmes, budget preparation and
financial management.
5. Excellent organizational, analytical,
coordination and communication/writing skills.
6. Ability to work accurately, methodically
and to meet deadlines.
7. Having private sector experience will be an
added advantage.
8. Integrity and ability to work under
pressure and to deliver timely quality services.
9. Good professional experience and knowledge
of the Bank’s operations.
10. Ability to assess problems and develop
realistic solutions quickly, proven ability to adopt a multidisciplinary
approach to issues.
11. Excellent written and verbal communication
skills in English and/or French with a working knowledge of the other.
12. Knowledge and Experience in using SAP is an
13. Competence in the use of Bank standard
software (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint, SAP and/or other integrated
document management system).
Should you
encounter technical difficulties in submitting your application, please send an
email with a precise description of the issue and/or a screenshot showing the
problem to: HR Direct HRDirect@AFDB.ORG
How to Apply
persons should click here to apply
Application Closing Date
September, 2017
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