Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the
premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and
social progress across the continent. There are 80 member states, including 54
in Africa (Regional Member Countries).
The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical
support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty
through inclusive and sustainable economic growth. In order to sharply focus
the objectives of the Ten Year Strategy (2013 – 2022) and ensure greater
developmental impact, five major areas (High 5s), all of which will accelerate
our delivery for Africa, have been identified, namely: energy, agro-business,
industrialization, integration and improving the quality of life for the people
of Africa.
Position title:
Principal Climate Finance Officer
Grade: PL4
Position N°:
Reference: ADB/18/006
Publication date:
Closing date:
Country: Côte
The Vice Presidency for ‘Power, Energy, Climate and Green
Growth’ is a Sector Complex focusing on the Bank’s Ten Years Strategy, High 5s
priority of “Light up and Power Africa”. The complex’s objectives are (i) to
develop policy and strategy; (ii) to provide deep sector technical expertise to
the Regions by gathering pool of experienced individuals who can be consulted
for their expertise on complicated transactions; (iii) to develop new financing
instruments; (iv) to act as spokesperson to represent the Bank with external
stakeholders on all aspects of “Light Up and Power Africa”. The Complex will
focus on areas of Power systems, policy and regulation, renewable energy; and,
Climate and Green Growth.
The Climate Change and Green Growth Department has broad
objectives of:
Mainstreaming climate change and green growth into Bank’s
High 5s’ operations;
Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the Bank’s
climate change interventions through the Bank’s Climate Change Action Plan and
the Bank’s Green Growth Framework;
Managing access to the growing number of sources of Green
and Climate Finance for all Operational Vice Presidencies within the Bank;
Assisting African countries to develop and implement their
NDCs as well as to increase their access to global climate finance; and
Leading all efforts within the Bank focused on minimizing
and reversing the effects of Climate Change on the continent.
The Department consists of two divisions, Climate and Green
Growth Division, and Climate and Environment Finance Division.
The Climate and Environment Finance Division is responsible
for ensuring the Bank’s and RMCs’ enhanced access to climate and green finance.
Specifically, the Division manages the growing pool of climate resources
available within and outside the Bank, develops innovative ways and tools to
increase Bank’s access to climate and environment finance – including through
green bonds and blended finance - strengthens the capacities of RMCs to access
global climate finance through their Nationally Determined Contributions,
improves climate finance tracking within the Bank, and engages in thought
leadership and knowledge development on climate finance.
The purpose of this job is to ensure efficient and
predictable access to green and climate finance to enable the Bank to channel
funds to achieve the High 5s, bring more climate and environment finance to the
Continent and achieve its climate finance target 40% by 2020. The incumbent
will be a core member of the climate finance team, supporting the various
climate funds for which the Bank is an implementing entity. The job serves all
of the Operational Vice Presidencies in order to ensure that climate and green
finance are made available and successfully accessed by all of the Operational
Vice-Presidencies. He/she will also contribute to achieve the objectives of the
Bank’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP).
Duties and responsibilities
Under the overall supervision and general guidance of the
Division Manager – Climate and Environment Finance, the Climate Finance Officer
will perform the following:
1) Manages access to
external and internal climate change funds such as the Green Climate Fund,
Global Environment Facility, Adaptation Fund, Africa Climate Change Fund by
meeting operational, accreditation and reporting requirements and following
appropriate modalities and procedures;
2) Creates
opportunities to co-finance projects and leverage new and additional funding
sources to achieve the Bank’s climate finance targets by liaising with other
Divisions within the Bank, Donors and Development Partners;
3) Actively
communicates with the Fund Secretariats and other participating accredited
entities, National Designated Authorities and Focal Points, and other relevant
stakeholders to advance the Bank’s interests and secure project approvals;
4) Attends and
represents the Bank at Fund Meetings and other events where requested;
5) Advises all
Operational Vice Presidencies on accessing climate finance, by building strong
links with Officers and Task Managers within the Bank and communicating
6) Ensures that the
Bank fulfils internal and external quality control and reporting obligations to
the climate funds by ensuring that reports are prepared in a timely and
accurate manner;
7) Contributes
actively to the development, management and administration of climate funds, by
responding to calls for input, attending meetings and conference calls and
making innovative proposals to scale up finance;
8) Supports Bank’s
efforts to allocate at least 40% of its approvals per year by 2020 and beyond,
and support African countries to benefit from the global commitments to raise
USD 100 billion per year for climate finance;
9) Actively works
with project teams to develop bankable projects for climate finance;
10) Works in close coordination with existing climate
finance structures under the UNFCCC, the MDBs and other relevant institutions,
with the view to advocate for enhanced Africa’s access to climate and green
11) Provides technical support on climate finance in
contribution to all High 5 activities and support RMCs, in helping them achieve
their climate finance targets under the Paris Agreement, and particularly their
Nationally Determined Contributions;
12) Develop financing instruments that will incentivize the
private sector to invest in climate change adaptation and mitigation programs
and projects;
13) Provides advisory and investment services to all Bank’s
sector and regional operations on issues related to the access to GCF
14) Assist in increasing access to finance through the
development of innovative financing instruments finance.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
1. At least a
Master’s Degree in international development studies, climate change, climate
finance, environmental management, finance, economics;
2. A minimum of Four
(4) years for PL 6; Five (5) years for PL 5 and Six (6) Years for PL 4
experience in climate or green finance; trust fund management; multilateral
development bank procedures, and a combination of project development and
management experience; private sector experience;
3. Strong experience
in Infrastructure finance and in blended finance;
4. Knowledge and
experience on climate finance, and on multilateral climate governance framework
and global climate finance architecture,
5. Understanding of
climate and green finance issues, challenges and practices relating to Africa;
6. Experience in the
provision of climate finance resources for lending and non-lending operations;
7. Experience in the
area of climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a particular emphasis on
scaling up climate finance for Africa;
8. Experience in
developing and implementing innovative climate finance instruments;
9. Knowledge and
experience in policy dialogue and cross-institutional collaboration at the
highest level, including with representatives of government and non-government
10. Understanding of
critical issues in sustainable development, international climate change
policy, and climate finance; and
11. Further
experience in financial accounting and reporting, green and inclusive growth
accounting and reporting (triple bottom line), risk management, and portfolio
12. Experience in
private sector will be an added advantage
13. Ability to
communicate orally and in writing effectively in French or English, with a
working knowledge of the other language.
Competence in the use of standard Microsoft Office
applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint). Knowledge of SAP and Bank-Wide
Program Processing Schedule (BPPS) is desirable.
Should you encounter technical difficulties in submitting
your application, please send an email with a precise description of the issue
and/or a screenshot showing the problem to: HR Direct HRDirect@AFDB.ORG
How to Apply
Interested persons should click here to Apply
Good Luck!!!
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